Everett Kennedy Brown
Artwork and Writings
fine art photography and portraits from Kyoto Japan traditional culture, zen, shinto, samurai, geisha, Japanese artist
Fine art photography ファインアート写真
Kyoto art 京都の芸術
Kyoto artist 京都の芸術家
Zen culture and wabi sabi, 禅やわびさび
Archaic Future ひとつながりの記憶 Harvest Publishers
Everett Kennedy Brown エバレット・ブラウン
Shimane, Matsue and Izumo 島根県、松江市、出雲
Kyoto art and artists, 京都の芸術や芸術家
Collodion Wet Plate photography 湿板写真 古典写真技法
Lafcadio Hearn, 小泉八雲
Everett Kennedy Brown エバレット・ブラウン
Everett Kennedy Brown エバレット・ブラウン
Japanese mythology, shinto and zen 日本神話、出雲風土記、出雲昔話
Fine art photography in Japan ファインアート写真
fine art photography in Japan, 日本のファインアート写真や写真家
Writers in Japan such as Alex Kerr 失われ行く日本
Fine art photographer ファインアート写真家
Genius Loci: Landscapes of Cultural Memory
39 images (2004 to present)
The Irish poet William Butler Yeats honored in his writings the ancient European awareness of genius loci, the spirit of place. Before the advent of the written word a profoundly deep awareness of land and sense of place was felt in the hearts of people all over the world. These people gathered their information about the world, not from words, but from the wind. These images seek to honor and restore that deep natural awareness that is our universal common heritage.
With the advent of the internet we have begun witnessing profound distortions in consensus reality that are profoundly influencing our economic, political and social conditions. More disturbing, our relationship with the Earth is changing dramatically. We are loosing the sensibility to gather information from the wind. The Earth is in crises due to the myopic vision by which we relate with each other and the world.
How can we regain this lost sensibility? The awareness of genius loci is still a part of daily life in some places in Japan. Especially for artists. This sensitive awareness of nature and place has been the inspiration for much of Japanese arts and literature since prehistoric times.. The spirit of place continues as a lingering apparition in cultural memory which I seek to express in these images.
I am working with local communities in Japan to identify the genius loci in their localities. This ongoing photographic project supports communities to nourish a sense of wonder about local history, a sense of identification with place in the hearts of the younger generation.
Edition of 09
Image sizes:
square 10.24" x 10.24" (260 x260mm),
paper size 13" x 12.5" (330 x 320mm)
horizontal 12 x 15" (304mm x 381mm) ,
paper size 16" x 20" ( 406mm x 508)
panoroma 6.54 x 18" (16.6 x 45.72),
paper size 10" x 25" (254mm x 635mm)